It seems that the final chapter of terrorism in Iraq is actually the preface to terror. Everyday a large number of Iraqi men, women, and children die because of the present foreign Islamist terrorist factions in the country.
Besides them, coalition forces are also being targeted by these terror organizations that had illegally entered Iraq. Despite, the instability in the country, we observe many religious or clerical leaders calling upon the United Nations and the free world to amend a decree or a law for withholding elections in such chaotic conditions. It is evidently impossible to hold liberal and democratic elections in such hostile circumstances. Moreover, in such circumstances elections must be the last objective in the agenda not the primary as announced by many clerical leaders. What Iraq and most importantly its citizens require in such antagonistic conditions is a social system or a social welfare. Many Iraqi citizens are living in terrible conditions, there are many children on the streets, and in many families the father, the primary revenue source is either disabled or dead. Hence, in these situations many religious institutions influence these people and the only jobs these religious institutions offer for these people is parading in the streets calling for elections and a fundamentalist government.
Furthermore, the above situations are clearly present in the social atmosphere of the Iraqi life. It seems that a fundamental solution to such actions is a social welfare. This system provides a source of revenue or an income to a family. This income includes an allowance for the children till the age of 18, for the single mothers or widows, and for the disabled and elderly. Therefore a family is capable of a assuring a secure life and future for each member in the household. Moreover, when each Iraqi family has a standardized income, they will be busy constructing their country instead of worrying about the demands of the clerical leaders. Hence, many of the observed actions about holding elections and the terror will eventually decrease and disappear.
Likewise, Egypt, an Arab country that holds democratic elections represents one of the poorest countries in the world, such that many of its citizens live in extreme poverty and democratic elections are held annually. Now, how can democratic elections help these citizens, if these elections only serve the social elite? Therefore, if there were a social system that provided a family with a standard income, we would not observe instability, extremism and chaos in this country. In connection to this observation, the elections declared by the clerical leaders of Iraq would only satisfy their personal gain and social class, because they certainly would not care about how the other 95% of Iraqi citizens are living, whether they are starving or dying. Thus, the only solution is an indiscriminate social system or a social welfare that provides each family and each individual with a standardized income.