The history of the Arab and Islamic community highly reflects the absence of the social and educational institutions, which in turn has regressed the latter aspects and progressed the evolution of the terrorism epidemic in these two communities. Furthermore, instead of constructing social and educational foundations, the leading figures of the Arab and Islamic world are highly concentrated upon the inculcation of corrupted associations that indoctrinate its citizens about the falsified image of liberal democracy, and hence these associations generate an entire population whom are absolutely ignorant of the basic fundamentals of liberal democracy, which are justice, freedom, and peace. Additionally, the focal objective of these corrupted institutions is to instruct their societies that liberal democracy is a Western Supremacy over the East, and thus from this fictitious statement, the leading figures of both the Islamic and Arab world would remain in authority and would continue to feed their indoctrinated citizens false interpretations about liberal democracy. Moreover, the hate and fear that has been taught to citizens has led to the initial stages of the terrorism epidemic.
The preliminary steps of the terrorism epidemic are witnessed in the educational texts that are programmed for the primary and secondary schools, including universities. In the Arab and Islamic world, the schools educate the youth about the importance of massacring the unworthy Muslims, Christians, Jews, and the adherents of the other religions; this in turn has initiated the cycle of the terrorism epidemic. More importantly, the Salafi and Wahabi doctrines emphasize upon the importance of obliterating all unworthy citizens and hence the leading clerics that adhere to the two oppressive doctrines target the weak and force their principles into the mindset of these ignorant youth. Another subsequent phase in the cycle of the terrorism epidemic is the absence of an impartial or equitable constitution that contains unprejudiced social regulations or bylaws. The leaders either appoint the legislative and judicial branches in the Arab and Islamic worlds, and almost always, the appointed figure would either obliterate or insert laws that would permanently secure his/her present position. Therefore, due to the above concise investigation of the natural upbringing of the hierarchical Arab and Islamic societies the course towards justice, freedom, and peace has only regressed and produced multiple problems in the region.
In correlation to the above notions, the President of the United States has proposed a novel and sophisticated project for the Middle Eastern region, nevertheless there seems to be many criticisms upon such a proposal. Many of the Arab countries stood against the Presidents proposition because the Arab leaders were not willing to step down from their positions and hand over the power to an educated and diligent citizen. Moreover, the Arab Summit that was to take place in Tunisia was deferred or postponed to another day.
The former event highly signifies that the Arab leaders are not willing to re-construct their governmental policies, their societies and its infrastructures based on the Human Rights resolutions; furthermore, the Arab leaders have stood against the necessity of liberating their societies from the oppressive laws that have governed the citizens lives for decades. More importantly, extending rights and opportunities to ethnic groups, children, women, and religious minorities represents a critical challenge towards the Arab and Islamic leaders, and thus they are attempting to establish a barrier against President Bush’s proposal. Form the above rationale, reform and political, social, and educational transitions symbolizes an atrocious psychological complication for the Arab and Islamic world.
The sophistication of the Arab and Islamic societies rests upon their adherence to the main fundamentals of liberal democracy: justice, freedom, and peace. From there, both these societies would become part of the international community and the free nations. In particular, all of the different religious groups and the ethnic minorities will possess equal rights and opportunities as the predominant group, and thus the outcome would yield the resurgence of a modern and educated society that will advocate against the momentum of terrorism, poverty, and illiteracy.