الوقتأقساماخبار العراقمختارات من الثقافة التنظيميةالميثاق العام / القانون الأساسي للحزب الليبرالي الديمقراطي العراقي
(0) الطريق إلى الليبرالية الديمقراطية (د)(0) المسألة الكردية من وجهة نظر ( الليبرالية الديمقراطية ) ... يوسي شيخو (0) الحوار بين الليبرالية والإسلام !!(0) معالم في الطريق إلى الليبرالية الديمقراطية ـــــ راغب الركابي(0) الليبرالية العربية بين الواقع والطموح ـــــ راغب الركابي(0) الليبرالية الديمقراطية هي الحل ـــــ راغب الركابي(0) مختارات من الميثاق العام للحزب الليبرالي الديمقراطي العراقي(0) الإسلام السياسي ــــــــ راغب الركابي(0) شعار الحزب الليبرالي الديمقراطي العراقي (0) من يصنع العلمانية في العراق ؟ ـــــ راغب الركابي(0) الليبرالية الديمقراطية و حاجات الأمة ـــــ راغب الركابي(0) الليبرالية والسلام(0) الطريق إلى الليبرالية الديمقراطية (ج)(0) رؤيتنا للمستقبل (0) الوحدة الوطنية من منظور ليبرالي !!(0) مابين الليبرالية والرأسمالية من تفاوت ـــ راغب الركابي(0) الليبراليةهي الحل للعراق ـــــــــ راغب الركابي(0) من مقالات التفسير والفكرالقرآن بين التحريف والتصحيف : ـــــــــــ آية الله الشيخ إياد الركابي
موسى النبي والعبد الصالح ــــــــ آية الله إياد الركابي في ظلال آية المحارب ــــــ الحلقة الثانية في ظلال آية المُحارب ـــــــ الحلقة الأولى الذات الإلهيّة بين العلم والعبادة ـــــــ مادونا عسكر الحراك العراقي اللبناني ـــــــــــــ راغب الركابي ثمن الحرية ـــــــــــ راغب الركابي المفهوم الإفتراضي لمعنى قوله تعالى : [ فلا أقسمُ بالخنس ، الجوار الكنس ] – التكوير 15 ، 16 العلاقة بين الفكر والسلطة ـــــــــــ راغب الركابي رسالة ملك الفرس يزدجرد* الى عمر بن الخطاب صوت أبي العلاء الاشتراكي.... إبراهيم مشاره - الخلل المفاهيمي في لغة النص : - القلب ، الفؤاد ، العقل .. الروح مثالاً |
Wednesday, July 18. 2007The Liberal Democratic Party of Iraq’s (LDPI) Concise Overview of Constructing a New IraqIntroduction Firstly, the LDPI declines the initiative or proposal of reconstructing or repairing the infrastructures that shape the Iraqi society because this suggests that the remnant philosophy of the despotic Ba’ath regime will be present in the political, economical, social and educational domains. Consequently, the LDPI conceptually perceives that constructing the Iraqi nation represents the accurate term because the word denotes that all the main infrastructures must be institutionalized and abided by the basic fundamentals of liberal democracy. And hence, the LDPI considers the importance of concentrating upon the construction of Iraq’s focal building blocks:
1. Constructing the social realm of Iraq, which includes a social welfare or system and establishing a health care system. 2. Establishing a free market economy. 3. Constructing the political structure of Iraq. 4. Founding a modern and sophisticated educational system. 5. Establishing s modern and peace oriented forces that include the defense force and the law enforcements in order to maintain law and order in the country. Constructing the Social Realm of the Iraqi Nation The Liberal Democratic Party of Iraq (LDPI) believes that the Iraqi society and the main social departments in Iraq have undergone momentous destruction over the preceding decades under the various autocratic administrations that governed the nation. Moreover, the repressive and irrational political ideology had negatively impacted the social domain of Iraq. Therefore, the LDPI considers the necessity of establishing a set or a charter of rights and responsibilities for each Iraqi citizen that accord to the international Human Rights agenda. These rights according to the LDPI are critical rights for all Iraqi citizens and hence everyone has the following basic rights or freedoms: (a) right to become a citizen of the country (b) freedom of conscience or religion (c) freedom of opinion and expression (d) freedom of the press or other media communications (e) right to peacefully oppose (f) right to life (g) right to live in liberty and in security (h) women’s rights (i) children’s rights including the right for the fetus to live; and (j) right for peaceful assembly and association Accordingly, the LDPI finds it necessary and imperative to liberate the Iraqi women because they witnessed and experienced the greatest torment and destruction from the repressive male dominating authority; therefore, the LDPI finds it important to liberate the Iraqi women economically, politically and socially. In essence, once she is liberated, she can conscientiously discover her individuality where she can formulate her own decisions without the supervision of a male. Furthermore, the LDPI believes of the significance of changing the conservative laws that oppressed the Iraqi women and changing the orthodox system of inheritance that only marginalized and weakened the women financially; and thus the above alterations will generate an Iraqi woman, whom will gain trust and confidence in her own actions and ambitions because she is the initial block of constructing a modern and sophisticated Iraqi society. Another prime element of constructing a new Iraqi society lies in setting constitutional rights for the children, which includes ensuring financial support for the child, protecting the child from physical and emotional harm, and providing the child with the access to education. Therefore every Iraqi child must be protected by means of: (a) protecting the child through the constitutional laws and educating the child about his/her rights as a human being. (b) protecting the child financially by ensuring a child allowance for every Iraqi household. (c) protecting the child from physical and emotional harm, which means protecting the child from degrading and abasing systems that deteriorate the dignity of the child sex-traders, child pornography, and child molesters or rapists. (d) protecting the child from economical profiteers that utilize children in labor, which deprives the child from his/her basic right to learn. In view of the above points, the child is considered an active individual and a human being whom must be protected and supported against any harm. The LDPI considers the significance of initiating a social system or welfare which is analogously present in the liberal and democratic countries that supports and financially ensures a low income household, a single mother, the elderly, the mentally and disabled citizens. Moreover, establishing institutions that deal with the latter, in order to provide any means of assistance to the Iraqi society. The laws that concerned retirement in Iraq, oppressed both the working and non-working classes; and for this reason the LDPI strongly believes of establishing new laws that concern the retired individuals, in which a retirement pension reaches both the working and non-working classes since the previous repressive regimes only provided a pension for the working class and neglected the non-working class. Hence, the retirement pension will be issued for every retired individual instead of a particular group. The health care system is an imperative system, in which the LDPI considers an obligation. It is important to establish a health care system that serves the Iraqi population by means of the employing technologically advanced medical and dental apparatuses in hospitals and clinics. Moreover, the health care system will educate the population of the various diseases that are present by numerous means. Therefore, establishing sophisticated hospitals is a prime factor that can assist and accommodate the Iraqi population. Finally, education represents according to the LDPI a principal element in founding a modern Iraqi society. Education represents a right and an obligation for every Iraqi individual. Therefore, the parents and the schools are responsible of ensuring that the child receives a proper education; moreover, the parents or guardians are responsible of certifying that their son/daughter is sent to school in order to learn; however, until the age of sixteen. Furthermore, the LDPI is obliged to change the educational texts and the entire educational system of Iraq because of the discriminative education provided by those texts and by the system that only regressed the path of enlightenment. Establishing a Free Market Economy The Liberal Democratic Party of Iraq (LDPI) qualitatively and quantitatively analyzes and accepts the liberal context of establishing a free market economic system in Iraq, in which entrepreneurs and large or small corporations, and farmers possess the absolute right to sell their products or merchandise to the higher bidder and therefore the government must not have the right over the profitable decisions of the entrepreneurs or the bidders. Therefore, the large or small businesses must be privatized and there must be specified unions that protect the rights of the latter groups internationally and nationally. Iraq as both a legitimate and liberal democratic country must concentrate on the economical aspects that are encompassed in the country. 1. Agriculture Agriculture is considered to embody the vertebra of the economical organization of Iraq. The agricultural field in Iraq as any auxiliary field had suffered greatly from the backward agricultural apparatuses. Moreover, in many rich farming areas of Iraq, water access to the soil was limited because of ethnical or sectarian purposes. Therefore, it is important to return life into all the soils of Iraq by making the once fertile lands viable for the production of crops. Administrating the labor structure, purchasing modern apparatuses and changing the mindset of the farmer can achieve the latter. Once, that is achieved, the production of crops will generate a national income, which will provide the farmers with financial capability of selling their crops and purchasing sophisticated field utensils. It is important to increase the productivity of the lands by means of naturally fertilizing the lands in order to reduce the upsurge of deserts that are beginning to appear in many of Iraq’s cities. The farmers in Iraq must be protected and thus it is important to establish unions that provide the farmers with new information about agricultural maintenance and productivity; these unions will protect the rights of the farmers and will ensure them with the latest information about the agricultural facilities. Hence, the Iraqi farmer is a primary element in enhancing the agricultural domain. Certainly increasing the production of viable and healthy crops requires funding and therefore the LDPI considers that establishing assistance and loan programs that provide the farmers with appropriate funding in order that he/she can purchase proper non hazardous fertilizing chemicals and developed agricultural tools. Consequently, the above idea leads to establishing banks that deal and provide assistance to the Iraqi farmer. The Iraqi farmer must receive adequate education and training from specific institutions or schools in order learn the appropriate method of ensuring viable production of ailments. Finally, the LDPI believes that supplying water to the farming lands must be provided by appropriate water facilities that ensure that a sufficient amount is supplied to the lands. 2. Industry The industry represents the second most important factor in Iraq’s economy. For this reason the LDPI believes that the previous deteriorated Iraqi economy concentrated on providing success to the foreign industries while neglecting the domestic industry of Iraq, and this in essence represented a strategic error. Therefore, it is important that Iraq modernizes the petroleum industry because this industry is capable of financially supporting the subsequent linked commercial industries of Iraq’s weakened economy. The LDPI considers it essential to proliferate and modernize the petroleum and petrochemical researches and studies since Iraq is considered to be one of the oil-rich countries and comprises the second largest oil reserves in the world. This latter leads to establishing specialized and modern universities that focus in the studies of petroleum engineering, petrochemical research and related sciences. Iraq is rich in natural resources other than petroleum and natural gas; moreover it is capable of meeting the needs of its own citizens in sugar production, wheat, fruit and vegetable production, livestock, pulp and paper, and glass. Iraq is rich in minerals as iron, aluminum, and gold and therefore it can establish iron and aluminum industries that can manufacture quantified amounts of items that are made of such metals. 3. Services The LDPI considers it compulsory to establish liberal and democratic institutions that provide necessary services to the citizens of Iraq, because it is a momentous pillar in the construction of a free market Iraqi economy. As a result, it is of the essence to modernize the structure and function of the national services as providing healthy and sanitary water to all citizens of Iraq, providing electricity to all the urban and rural cities of the nation, and constructing modern road systems in all of Iraq. Additionally, the LDPI contemplates the significance of initiating and modernizing new leisure services to the Iraqi community: (a) Initiating new Internet services to the Iraqi population (b) Modernizing the postal services, electrical and telephone services (c) Establishing new telecommunication services in order to structure the Iraqi population (d) Establishing modern transit services for the population as trains, buses, and airports in all the urban and rural cities of Iraq (e) Establishing a network transit system in Iraq, which must include an underground subway or a skytrain. (f) Providing and maintaining a well serviced system for tourists in the archeological and historical sites all throughout Iraq (g) Establishing recreational and entertainment centers for the youth, the elderly, and the families including local parks and playgrounds in all the provinces of Iraq (h) Instituting modern sewerage systems in the rural and urban areas of Iraq; and (i) Creating links to the modern and regional world in order to promote free market trade with the international community. 4. Conservation of the Ecological Environment The LDPI considers the present environmental condition of Iraq a hazard to the ecosystem. Moreover, other than depriving the once rich marches in the southern province of Nasiriyia, Amara, and Basra; the mass production of radioactive substances that have been introduced to the local rivers, streams, and niches have eliminated many of Iraq’s wildlife. Hence, the LDPI finds it necessary of establishing institutions that can assist in reducing the hazardous wastes by organizing environmental events as the national green day or earth day in order to educate the Iraqi community about the danger of the extinction of Iraq’s wildlife. Furthermore, these organizations will educate the Iraqi public about the environment and the importance of preserving the ecological niches and plant and animal diversity in order to reduce rapid extinction. The LDPI believes that by establishing superior departments that consist of environmental, ecological and marine researchers, analysts, and scientists along with international environmental and ecological analysts, the environmental condition of the country can shift towards a developed and a preserved state. Additionally, initiating a team of ecologists, environmentalists, and marine biologists that can work together in order to protect the remnant wildlife in the rich marshal areas in the southern provinces of the country. The Iraqi state and government must respect and adhere to the international laws that concern the preservation of the diversity of the ecosystem, such that any violators will be punished according to the laws that deal with the environmental violators. The ecological conservation is important in the formulation of Iraq’s economy because damaging the ecological realm can impact upon the productivity of crops. Constructing the Political Structure of Iraq The Liberal Democratic Party of Iraq (LDPI) believes that the political system of Iraq represented the most deficient and autocratic political regimes in the world, which negatively impacted on the main functional domains of the country. And thus, altering the present radical image of Iraq requires, 1. The inculcation of a liberal and democratic government that can provide the basic freedoms and rights to all the citizens of Iraq, including the provision of liberal and democratically built national and local institutions and organizations that can provide the adequate assistance to all the citizens of Iraq. 2. Putting faith in the liberal and democratic principles as a primary alternative in solving the Iraqi ethnic and religious clashes. 3. Initiating a liberal and democratic constitution and a charter or a set of rights for all citizens. The LDPI refuses to accept any government that bases its philosophy to one particular group of people as a sectarian government or ethnical government as was prevalent during the despotic rule in Iraq. The LDPI adopts and faithfully accepts the option of a multi ethnic and multi religious group in all the main governmental and non-governmental departments or institutions in Iraq. The LDPI considers and is consistent with the idea of separating religion from state control and establishing a legitimate liberal and democratic constitution that serves every particular religious or ethnic group in Iraq. Furthermore, the constitution will contain various sections as laws or acts that specify the creation of a legitimate political party. The LDPI believes that the media or the press plays an important role of portraying the philosophy of liberal democracy and through the press or media the Iraqi public can learn to engage in a peaceful political discourse with one another. Finally, in order that a legitimate political faction rules, liberal democratic and equitable elections must be held every electoral session, where the citizens have to register their names prior to the date of election. Moreover, all citizens over the age of eighteen are eligible to vote every electoral session. Founding a Modern and Sophisticated Educational System The Liberal Democratic Party of Iraq (LDPI) believes that the role of the educational institutions represent an important component in modernizing the Iraqi society. Moreover, the LDPI believes that the new educational texts can reform the mindset of the Iraqi citizen in order that he/she can comprehend their rights and obligations and the concept of individual responsibility. The LDPI scrutinized that the previous repressive educational manner only regressed and belated academic and scholarly proliferation in Iraq. Therefore, the dignity and identity of an academic, professor, and scientist was lost because of the repressive orientation of the regime that limited their involvement and output; many were executed or escaped to the free nations to continue their research and studies. The LDPI believes that liberal discourses and educations will certainly benefit the national educational field in Iraq. Therefore, this will depend on obliterating the educational texts that teach hate, violence, and radicalism including the literatures that focalize on educating the perspective of a one party system as was prevalent under the Ba’ath regime. For this reason, the LDPI considers that the chief option is administrating educational texts that possess multiple literatures of the world. Once this achieved, the new educational texts will teach the Iraqi citizen to reject the education of tribal hierarchy. Iraq represents the center of civilization, where numerous civilizations left archeological treasures in the earth and rivers. Therefore, the LDPI finds it necessary to establish programs and institutions that protect the archeological treasures of the country by means of local and national museums and conferences that deal with ancient possessions of the country. Additionally, it is important to enhance and modernize the archeological sciences and the archeological utensils as radioactive dating in the archeological studies in the major universities of Iraq. It is important to encourage writing amongst the ambitious and talented citizens in order to establish books, novels, magazines, scientific journals, political journals and much more; accordingly the Iraqi citizen will recognize the value of education. Additionally, local libraries in municipal areas, schools and universities must be established in order to accommodate the need of the public. The artistic talent of artists must be unveiled to the public or arts enthusiasts through local and national art galleries, theatrical centers, and musical stages where the artists, actors and musicians can display their talent to the public. Therefore, musical, theatrical and artistic institutions must be established in order to accommodate the up surging talents amongst the Iraqi population. The LDPI believes that the teaching manner and the facilities in the schools and universities were radical and it only yielded ignorance in every field of study. The previous regime established a one party ideology that limited the rise of intellectuals, thus the LDPI seeks to change the manner and method of teaching. It is important to change the sectarian and pro-nationalist and fascist educational texts that indoctrinate the youth; and it is important to change the radical method of interpreting the religious and historical texts, which have only created hatred amongst the different religions and sectarian divisions. Every child has the following basic educational rights: (a) right to a free education (b) right to enter elementary school from the age of six (c) right to leave school under his/her own consent when he/she attained the age of sixteen It is important according to the LDPI to establish a national decree that emphasizes the importance obliterating illiteracy amongst the elderly population. At the university level, it is essential to modernize the educational and learning facilities such that professors, teachers, and teacher’s assistant must have the suitable and adequate training to educate and teach the upcoming generations of children, youth, and adults. It is forbidden to turn educational centers as schools and universities into political organizations for political factions. Establishing a Modern and Peaceful Defense System The Liberal Democratic Party of Iraq (LDPI) believes that the national security system of Iraq has witnessed sequential episodes of destruction by the previous despotic governments especially the Ba’ath regime. Moreover, the Ba’ath regime possessed secret services that secretly tortured political activists, theorists and critics. Moreover, the previous alleged security forces had undermined the identity of the Iraqi citizen; as a consequence the LDPI believes that the construction of a new defense force is a critical factor in the new liberal and democratic Iraq, in which the rule of law will govern which will occur only as follows, 1. Constructing a defense and security system in which its objective is to create law and order in the country and protect its citizens. 2. Adopting the educational methods of the free nations in training the law enforcements and military. 3. Modernizing the research tools and studies in order to yield advanced and sophisticated military, police, and security forces. 4. Liberal democratic principles will assist the executive lieutenants on choosing the generals, admirals, and chief officers in the military and police forces. 5. Establishing academic institutions that specify in educating the military personals and soldiers. 6. Forbidding the use of any tormenting language or tools as the Ba’ath regime regularly performed with the citizens. 7. Limiting the military and the duty of the military as only defending the citizens from foreign danger and providing law and order. 8. It is forbidden to hold an individual without charges or sufficient evidences. 9. It is forbidden to establish secret intelligence services in every departments or institution as was present during the Ba’ath regime The LDPI believes that law and order is an important aspect in the lives of every citizen because it defends the rights and freedoms of the citizen and protects the citizen from any harm. The Bureaus of Information and Education The Liberal Democratic Party of Iraq (LDPI) The Liberal Democratic Party of Iraq (LDPI) All Rights Reserved Copyright 2004 ® تعليقات
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بسـم الله الرحمن الرحـيم"اقرأ باسم ربك اللذي خلق خلق الانسان من علق اقرأ وربك الأكرم الذي علم بالقلم علم الانسان مالم يعلم"
بحث سريعيمكنك أخذ نسخة للطباعة بأحدى هذه الصيغادارة المجلةاحصائياتتاريخ آخر مقالة : 2023-09-02 13:16
Copyright 2007 © Liberal Democratic Party of Iraq